O people of the tent! The master, the flag-bearer, did not return. The flag-bearer did not return. The flag-bearer did not return. Hossein's water carrier, the noble one, the chief, did not return. The flag-bearer did not return. The flag-bearer did not return.
The longer verses belong to the meter family "H - HLLH - HLLH - ..." while the shorter ones are based on
"LH - HLLH - HLLH - ...". The varying pause lengths at the end of the verses allow them to fit in the same
rhythm. Such cases serve as additional evidence showing the relationship between the two meter families.
Note that in the last verse, the name Hossein (the third Shia Imam to whom most nowhe is dedicated) must be pronounced
as hoseŋ (LH) rather than hoseyn (LS) for the meter to work. This is common in nowhe poetry for this particular
name, but generally not accepted in professional poetry.