Persian Meters Database
Recording 40

Meter: LLH - LHLH - HLLH - LHLH - H (Meter 22)
Meter family: 6.i
Interval between taps: 3 moras
Time span: 1:28 --- 1:42
Performer: Hanif Taheri
L*L H)(*L H*LH)(*H ...
hame omr barnadɑram
L*LH) (*LH*L H)(*H ...
sar-az-in khomɑr-e masti

L *LH)(*L H *LH)(*H ...
ke hanūz man nabūdam

L *L H) (*LH *LH)(*H ...
ke to dar delam neshasti

All my lift, I shall not awaken
From this drunkenness
For I did not exist yet
When you eneterd my heart
The poem, which is part of a ghazal by Sa'di, is in meter 22 with each "LLH-LHLH-HLLH-LHLH-H" counting as one verse. In this recording, the performer adds silence intervals between the two halves of each verse. Each line in the above gloss therefore corresponds to a half-verse (i.e. half-mesrā`) in the original poem.