Persian Meters Database
Recording 39

Meter: HLLH - HLHL - HLLH - H (Meter 19)
Meter family: 6.k
Interval between taps: 3 moras
Time span: 0:12 --- 0:30
Performer: Saeed Haddadian
(*HL*LH) (*HL*H L)(*HL *LH)(*H μ*μμμ) (...)
sa'di-agar ɑsheghī koni-yo javɑ

(*HL *LH)(*H L*HL) (*HL *LH)(*H μ*μμμ) (...)
eshgh-e mohammad bas-ast-o ɑl-e mohammad

Sa'di! If you wish to take the path of love and the youth
The love of Mohammad and his family suffices