Persian Meters Database
Recording 36

Meter: LLH - LLH - LLH - LH (Not present in our list of popular meters)
Meter family: 4.a
Interval between taps: 4 moras
Time span: 1:47 --- 2:07
Performer: Meysam Moti'i
(*L LH) (*L LH)(*LL H)(*LH μ) (*μμμμ)
be khodɑ ke tahammol-e ghorbatet

(*HL H)(*LL H)(*LL H)(*H μμ) (*μμμμ)
borde tɑghat-e ɑdam-o ɑlam

(*H LH)(*LL H)(*LL H)(*LH μ) (*μμμμ)
ey hekɑyat-e ghorbat-e fɑtemē

(*HLH)(*L L H)(*L LH)(*H μμ)
rowze-khɑn-e to būde moharram

By God, bearing the pain of your loneliness
Has left the whole world in distress
O! Story of Fatemeh's loneliness
Moharram has become your mourner
In three of the verses an HLH appears instead of the verse-initial LLH. This form of augmentation for this meter family is common in Arabic but its presence in Persian poetry is limited to the works of non-professional poets. Moreover, note that the last metron in the third verse is LH while it is H in the other three. This too almost never occurs in the work of professional Persian poets but occurs occasionally in Arabic.