HLH)(H | HL | H)(*HH | LH)(HH | LH) | (*μμ |
shahriɑrē | molke | delhɑyī | nemīdɑnam | ke'ī | |
HLH)(1.38 | HL | H)(1.45 | LH)(1.56 | LH) | (1.45 |
HLH)(H | H | LH)(*HH | LH)(HH | LH) | (*μμ |
jɑneshīnē | hagh | ta'ɑlɑyī | nemīdɑnam | ke'ī | |
HLH)(1.30 | H | LH)(1.50 | LH)(1.44 | LH) | (1.43 |
Are you the king of the land of hearts? I do not know who you are!
Are you God's surrogate [on earth]? I don't know who you are!